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This forum is a place to live the lives of the people that live in your head…

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 6:21 pm
by pwykert
The founders of these message boards welcome you to the place their alter-egos come out and play. We encourage you to join in the fun, however, we do have a few laws to lay down.

1. We play our characters as living, breathing entities. They curse, they fight, they fuck, they drink, they do drugs, and they do illegal deeds. They also love, laugh, act stupid, act serious, hold jobs, have friends, have enemies, have prejudices and in general are just happily (or in some cases miserably) trying to survive their world. Some have magic, some are just normal humans, and some are gods. If you can’t accept these things in total, this isn’t a place for you.
2. Most of the characters and story lines have been around for years, both in RP and RL. Don’t expect to drop a new character into the middle of a story line and have them instantly accepted/recognized. You can’t walk into a bar of strangers and have everyone know your name, or even want to, so don’t expect it here.
3. NO GOD-MODDING! Try it, and get instantly perma-banned.
4. NO CHARACTER HIJACKING! This isn’t cool, ever. Another instant perma-ban.
5. Keep OOC chatter to the OOC boards whenever possible. Yes, sometimes OOC is unavoidable, but OOC hijacks of RP boards will be deleted and if it becomes a problem other actions will be taken.

If you can accept these rules and guidelines, please join us and let the people in your brain join ours!
Welcome to The World Remastered!